Mystery Villain of Batman/Superman Revealed!

Batman/Superman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Batman/Superman #1 courtesy DC Comics

Did you check out Batman/Superman #1 this week? Greg Pak is revealing the first meeting of Clark and Bruce in The New 52. Clark’s investigation of murders in Metropolis leads him to Gotham City and a run-in with Bruce Wayne and then the Dark Knight!


Catwoman made a surprise appearance in the conflict but it was another villain pulling her strings!


Before I continue here’s a



DC Comics has shared it already but if you haven’t read Batman/Superman #1 yet you may want to stop reading!


Here it comes:


courtesy DC Comics

The Trickster made a creepy New 52 debut and will have an evil impact on the two heroes leading up to Villains Month! Here’s what DC Comics Editor Bob Harris says:

“This week saw the eagerly anticipated release of BATMAN/SUPERMAN #1. In the second issue of this exciting and all-new series, the Dark Knight and Man of Steel will be brought to Earth 2 in an attempt to find out which of the two is stronger – and bringing them there will be none other than Trickster, who you may have spotted in the final panel of issue #1. Originally from Apokolips, Trickster is as chaotic as she is unpredictable. What does she stand to gain from traveling to Earth 2 with Batman and Superman? And how is she connected to Darkseid? You’ll have to wait until Villains Month to find out the latter, but trust me when I tell you that the payoff will be well worth it!”

What do you think of the new Trickster?

How could the arrival of the younger Bruce and Clark on Earth 2 affect that series?

By Editor

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