Michael Fassbender on Filming “Prometheus”


The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Michael Fassbender was the Master of Magnetism in X-Men: First Class and the focus of George Clooney’s show stealing joke at the Golden Globe Awards for his performance in Shame. The actor’s hot streak continues with Haywire. While promoting that new film Fassbender talked about filming Prometheus with Ridley Scott to In Style.

“The first thing that struck me was a good script. Really intelligent script. A real thriller. Real anticipation. The first alien had that. The atmosphere was thick. You knew that something was going to happen. Which is very rare that you can read that in a script. And also, Ridley Scott is the master. He’s amazing. Really something else to watch him work. His attention to detail. And also his mischievousness, his playfulness. And again, no idea is stupid for him. He’ll let you bring it to the floor and have a go at it. I really, really enjoyed working with him. And of course the cast.”

Fassbender confirmed he will be playing an android named David. Thanks to Comic Book Resources for finding the story.

Because you can’t get enough of this trailer here it is again!

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