The Wolverine courtesy
The Wolverine courtesy

Old Man Logan is making a comeback as part of Marvel Comics Secret Wars this summer. Hugh Jackman may keep playing Wolverine until he’s the right age to play that future version of the X-Man.

Before X-Men: Days of Future Past Jackman said he wouldn’t be playing Wolverine much longer. Jackman will appear in X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 and a possible third Wolverine solo film.

In a new interview with Cigar Afficianado via Screen Crush, Jackman seems ready to play Logan as long as he can.

“I said to my wife, ‘The moral is I should never stop playing Wolverine. I’ve to find a way to keep playing him until I die.’  I know that someday they’ll recast the role with another actor…I’d be happy if the role was eventually recast.  It was mean that it had become iconic.”

Wolverine’s healing factor keeps him nearly immortal. Jackman discussed pushing himself every time he reprises the role.

“I always want to be in better shape than I was for last one. I don’t believe in stagnation. People say they try to maintain the status quo. But I believe the natural cycle means you’re either advancing or getting closer to something or you’re receeding…Every time I want to go further, physically and emotionally.”

Jackman is the only actor to appear in every X-Men film. Bryan Singer replaced Kitty Pryde with Logan as the future X-Man who goes back in time in Days of Future Past.

X-Men: Apocalypse opens May 26, 2016. A third Wolverine solo film is scheduled for March 3, 2017. Depending on the direction of Deadpool, we could see an appearance from Jackman or a possible spinoff starring X-Force, which was led by Wolverine.

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