GOTHAM Our Top Burning Question

courtesy Warner Brothers
courtesy Warner Brothers

Gotham premiered last night.


The new series explores the origin stories of Batman’s greatest ally and enemies. The first episode was packed with the Dark Knight’s most infamous rogues before they went bad but there’s one burning question and it’s not about the Riddler.


In the first episode Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock pursue who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. The trail leads to Fish Mooney (a new character created for the series) and Oswald Cobblepot, a scary Robin Lord-Taylor. A young street thief named Selina Kyle and troubled young girl named Ivy are introduced. Gordon and Bullock turn to forensic scientist Edward Nygma for help on the case. There’s even an appearance by….


Before I continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT.


If you have not seen the first episode of Gotham stop reading now.




Here it comes.




Fish Mooney is a ruthless mob boss who runs the theater district but she has a boss.


Fans may have been surprised to see him so soon but Carmine Falcone, the man who rules the Gotham City underworld makes a powerhouse entrance.


But did we see Batman’s greatest enemy in this episode?


When Fish Mooney confronts and Oswald Cobblepot in her nightclub she’s in the middle of seeing a comedian audition. The laughter ended as Fish exacted her revenge on Oswald.


Was he the man destined to become the Joker?

Batman #23.1 The Joker courtesy DC Comics
Batman #23.1 The Joker courtesy DC Comics


The man who became the Joker was portrayed as a struggling, unfunny, unknown nightclub comedian wannabe in Alan Moore’s The Killing JokeJon Beavers played the comedian in the episode.


Or was the Joker the man in shiny shoes who killed the Waynes? This theory would follow the origin told in the Tim Burton directed Batman. We’ll be watching for a Jack Napier!


Gotham was a thrilling, edgy first episode with solid and scary good performances. In a premiere packed with overt and subtle appearances by Batman’s villains it’s still the Joker that has the last laugh – so to speak.


Have we seen the man destined to become the Joker?


What did you think of Gotham?  Give us a comment below.


By Editor