Fearless Defenders #8 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #8 courtesy Marvel

One of my favorite new books out now is Fearless Defenders. Valkyrie is assembling Earth’s Mightiest Women into Asgard’s new Shieldmaidens. Cullen Bunn writes action and humor packed storylines as Val, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar race across the globe in search of ancient relics while fighting Viking zombies and Doom Maidens and a wicked new villainess. Will Sliney’s art is a perfect fit and the clever covers by Mark Brooks deserve their own gallery show!


The team joins the army defending Earth against the forces of Thanos as part of the Infinity event coming soon. Bunn tells about what’s next for Valkyrie, Misty and Dani as the book builds up the Infinity tie-in in October’s Fearless Defenders #10.


I’m a HUGE Valkyrie fan and the noble warrior is about to cut loose – berserker Wolverine style:

“It is not therapeutic in the least. It’s actually the opposite of that for her. The rage that she’s experiencing in issue #5 seems like it’s a great thing because it’s going to help them beat the bad guys. Once Valkyrie is done with the other Doom Maidens in issue #6, she cuts loose on the other heroes and they have to try to stop her. And she’s pretty much unstoppable. Val’s going to do some things that she will come to regret a great deal and her actions will change her as a character from that day forward.”

Fearless Defenders #7 courtesy Marvel

In the previous issue – She-Hulk, Storm and Hellcat (thank you Cullen!) and other Marvel heroines appeared and the stage is set for a huge rumble:


“Definitely a big battle royale. From the beginning I wanted Fearless Defenders to be this book where these great female super heroes and, to some degree, super villains, have a showcase. Issues #5 and #6 were definitely my way of putting a fine point on the fact that Fearless Defenders is a book where all of these characters can show up at the drop of a hat.


Bunn says the Infinity tie-in will continue the current storyline featuring the evil Le Fay”


“The main INFINITY Crossover will be in Fearless Defenders #10. They’re here on Earth facing the threat of Thanos’ forces trying to raze the city of New York. The Fearless Defenders are going to be living up to their namesake: truly defending. They’re going to be working trying to save people from the chaos that’s raining down all around them. At the same time though, not only are they going to be dealing with Thanos’ forces, they’re going to be dealing with the ever-present Caroline Le Fay who’s going to be up to no good during this event and it’s all going to center around this new character who’ll be surfacing in the issue, a new super-powered individual. Both the Fearless Defenders and Caroline will have an interest in this individual, and this issue is going to center on her.”

Fearless Defenders #10 courtesy Marvel


“I think Fearless Defenders #10 will be a little different than what most people would probably expect of an INFINITY crossover. It will be a tie-in to the series, to the event, but this issue will actually be a dance issue of FEARLESS DEFENDERS. I’m not sure how many dance comic books are out there anyway, but definitely not dance super hero comics. I’ve tried to do different things with the book from the beginning and this issue will definitely live up to that ideal.


A Dance tie-in to Infinity? Cullen can make it work.

Fearless Defenders #10 dances into comic book shops in October.

By Editor

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