Iceman melted. The attack of a fake X-Men. Wolverine back in his “Patch” get-up. New York City under threat of attack. It’s a showdown in Madripoor. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver an action packed but often frantic chapter of this team’s war with Susan Hatchi in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #55.
We know Hatchi’s connection to Karma. Mike Perkins draws a beautifully haunting flashback showing Hatching’s hate for Shan and lays the seed for her endgame. I love how Liu has skillfully created plot within plots. Hatchi’s manipulations and vicious attacks on the team have led to this fateful encounter that may finally free or damn Karma.
My one fault with this issue in this is how the loss of a teammate is nearly forgotten. Only Warbird lashes out but then it’s over. I realize the action is fast and furious as they try to prevent Hatchi’s deadly scheme but I think the death of an X-Man by another would have been weighing heavier on the team.
I love Phil Noto’s cover demonstrating how Hatchi has turned the X-Men into her own personal weapons in a family feud.
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