X-MEN Children of Diversity!

Astonishing X-Men #68 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #68 courtesy Marvel

Are you still recovering from the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past. The Bryan Singer directed film unites the casts of First Class and the original X- trilogy. The trailer was exciting, emotional and shows why X-Men are still the best representation of diversity in comics.


What a thrill to see Bishop, Warpath, Sunspot and Blink join the cinematic cast of X-Men. The Children of the Atom represent diversity and overcoming differences. These heroes don’t just fight bad guys. They fight discrimination and intolerance.


When Stan Lee created X-Men #1 his young heroes had powers because of genetics. You could say Continue reading X-MEN Children of Diversity!


Astonishing X-Men #68 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #68 courtesy Marvel

Marjorie Liu says goodbye to the mutants this week in Astonishing X-Men #68. From a milestone marriage to twisted sisters to a multidimensional apocalypse to a really big Iceman – Liu crafted some astonishing tales of mutants in love and war.


Fan favorite bad boys Wolverine and Gambit were on the team but I applaud Liu for letting some forgotten favorites take the lead. It was a joy to see New Mutant Karma and Cecilia Reyes back in action. Xi’an was the center of the first arc that saw her turned against her friends in bitter family feud from stretched from New York to Madripoor. Continue reading The End of ASTONISHING X-MEN

GLAAD Outstanding Comic Book Should Be?

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel

An X-Man got married to a Man. A gay Green Lantern was born. A Riverdale teen met his geek (and gay) icon. A twist on who was a Slayer in Buffyverse. Those were just some of the GLBT characters and storylines that made mainstream headlines, boosted comics and possibly helped change our culture.

GLAAD revealed their nominees for Outstanding Comic Book. Congratulations to the writers/artists/editors and publishers for the recognition. The nominations reflect on the big year for gay characters in comic books and the impact they have on society.

  Astonishing X-Men, Earth 2, Kevin Keller, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Batwoman are great books by talented creators but which book should win and why?


Do I have a favorite? I admit I have a X-Men bias but it was my first comic book.

I have go to with Astonishing X-Men. Northstar’s wedding to Kyle Jinadu was not just a one issue stunt. Jean-Paul has been out since 1992. Jean-Paul an Kyle’s romance developed in earlier volumes of Uncanny X-Men and the most recent Alpha Flight series.

Astonishing X-Men #51 variant courtesy Marvel

In Astonishing X-Men #51 Jean-Paul and Kyle got married in New York’s Central Park surrounded by teammates. Marvel even gave the book 2 variants: one with Jean-Paul and Kyle kissing and one with the happy couple on the cover with some of Marvel’s most famous couple’s on their big day. You may call that smart marketing. It is. By looking at this special cover it sent a message that Jean-Paul and Kyle’s ceremony and relationship was the same as Reed and Susan Richards and other Marvel super couples. (Let’s hope they turn out better than Scott & Jean, Storm & T’Challa or Quicksilver & Crystal!)

The wedding was not the end of Kyle’s screen time in the book. After the honeymoon Marjorie Liu continues to explore the complicated life of being married to a superhero in every issue. Who would have thought Wolverine would be giving a guy relationship advice about his husband? Remember when Jean-Paul couldn’t come out?

Astonishing X-Men #54 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #54 courtesy Marvel

Northstar wasn’t the only GLBT character featured in this book. Former New Mutant Karma was central to the storyline of Liu’s thrilling arc. Liu didn’t touch on Karma being a lesbian just a conflicted character who showed why she’s a great hero and mother figure to her younger siblings. It didn’t matter than Karma was a lesbian but perhaps Shan may find love now that she’s survived the villain of Liu’s first arc.

By Editor

By Editor

Death of An Astonishing X-Man?

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Iceman melted. The attack of a fake X-Men. Wolverine back in his “Patch” get-up. New York City under threat of attack. It’s a showdown in Madripoor. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver an action packed but often frantic chapter of this team’s war with Susan Hatchi in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #55.

We know Hatchi’s connection to Karma. Mike Perkins draws a beautifully haunting flashback showing Hatching’s hate for Shan and lays the seed for her endgame. I love how Liu has skillfully created plot within plots. Hatchi’s manipulations and vicious attacks on the team have led to this fateful encounter that may finally free or damn Karma.

My one fault with this issue in this is how the loss of a teammate is nearly forgotten. Only Warbird lashes out but then it’s over. I realize the action is fast and furious as they try to prevent Hatchi’s deadly scheme but I think the death of an X-Man by another would have been weighing heavier on the team.

I love Phil Noto’s cover demonstrating how Hatchi has turned the X-Men into her own personal weapons in a family feud.

By Editor


Astonishing X-Men: A Fight to the Death? A Villain Revealed!

Astonishing X-Men #54 courtesy Marvel

Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver a big revelation, big fights and set the stage for a huge showdown in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #54.

Susan Hatchi appears to be a greedy corporate type that’s oozing evil. She could have easily fit right in with the old school Hellfire Club. Hatchi has forced New Mutant Karma to attack her teammates, blew up Wolverine at Northstar’s wedding and left the rest of the team in a hellhole.

Hatchi reveals her connection to Karma and gives the team an impossible mission with deadly consequences if they fail – all to prove a point.

I give Liu huge kudos for using Wolverine in just the right dose and giving other characters equal time. Cecilia Reyes never wanted to be an X-Man but she’s caught up in an adventure with them again. With the team in a deathtrap, Reyes pushes her power to new levels while pondering if her past choices have been wrong.

While Logan is recovering Liu shows that Remy has just as many underworld connections. Hatchi’s orders take the team to Madripoor and Gambit makes a move on Logan’s ex Tyger Tiger in a move to accomplish their mission.

Tension has been building between Iceman and Northstar. Liu continues to explore what it’s like for a hero to have a loved one always in the line of fire. Jean-Paul’s husband and all of New York City is in jeopardy. Bobby and Jean-Paul’s conflict leads to a huge fight and shocking cliffhanger – has an X-Man accidently killed an X-Man?

If you want a thrilling adventure not tied to AvX and a chance to see other mutants in action then this is a great X-Men book. I’m enjoying Liu and Perkins run and I’m excited for the showdown in Madripoor next issue.

By Editor

New Mutants Become Avengers, What About the Others?

The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy Marvel.com

The New Mutants aren’t so new anymore but Dani, Sam, Roberto, Rhane and Xi’an will hold a special place in the hearts of many comic book fans. Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod gave us this next generation and future X-Men. Unfortunately these heroes are caught in the comic book paradox. In the real world these kids should have grown up to succeed Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine and company as the X-Men. These characters are so strong and loved that they will always find a home in the Marvel universe.

I’m excited to see Cannonball and Sunspot are joining Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers. Will the other original New Mutants find a place in the Marvel NOW?

Dani Moonstar lost her mutant powers but none of the qualities that make her a great hero. The current New Mutants book is coming to an end. Karma is currently featured in Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men. Wolfsbane has been a star and become a mom in Peter David’s X-Factor. Will those characters and titles continue in the Marvel NOW relaunch?

In Liu’s Astonishing X-Men Karma has been the victim of a new villain and I hope Liu gets the chance to give Xi’an redemption and maybe a chance at love like Northstar did. I can’t imagine a month without Peter David’s X-Factor but Breaking Points sure seems like he’s wrapping up his run.

New Mutants #13 courtesy Marvel

I really love Dani as mentor of a New Mutants squad in New X-Men. Dani is a great leader, Valkyrie and I love her best as a teacher. I’d like to see Dani and Rhane join the Jean Grey School as teachers.

Could these young heroes face a darker future in the Marvel NOW? Legion is becoming the star of a brand new X-Men Legacy. Professor X’s son may try to recruit the mutants he once faced in their original series.

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men Gay Wedding Aftermath

Astonishing X-Men #52 courtesy Marvel

  Northstar is married. Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men #51 made history and headlines with the wedding of an openly gay X-Men to his human partner. Romance and social significance are just part of the story. Liu is equally spinning action and mystery on her X-Men run. It looks like a short honeymoon for the team as the manipulator was revealed. 

  Karma is the other openly gay mutant character Liu is using in a surprising way. Last issue’s shock ending and the cover of this week’s issue has me intrigued. The former New Mutant is the traitor playing deadly mind games with her fellow X-Men?

  There are times when a fan may exclaim there are “too many X-books!” When you have a writer like Liu on her game and giving underused characters the spotlight I’m thrilled to add another to the pull list.

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