DC’s Next Teenage Dream: First Look at The Ravagers

The Ravagers #1 courtesy DC Comics

  The Ravagers rocket out of stories currently in Teen Titans and Superboy. The DC Comics New 52 Second Wave title is by Howard Mackie and Ian Churchill. Today The Source gave fans a first look at the teen team.

  “This is the story about a group of powerful Metahuman teens who have escaped from an underground hell they know only as The Colony– where they have been tortured, experimented on, tortured again and forced to fight for survival in a nefarious program designed to produce the ultimate killing machines. They band together in search of anything that might pass as “real life” for each of them, and knowing that the dark forces behind N.O.W.H.E.R.E. will never let them achieve it,” Howard Mackie explains.

Here’s The Source link with all the info on The Ravagers and more from Mackie.

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