One of the biggest twists of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season One was the betrayal of Grant Ward played by Brett Dalton.
Ward was a traitor all along working for John Garrett (aka The Clairvoyant.) At first fans thought Ward could be a double agent and the shooting of Victoria Hand was staged. Ward’s body count kept rising as we raced to the finale in which he nearly killed former teammates.
Ward’s story didn’t end with the finale. Producers shared Ward’s past giving a hint…just a hint at possible redemption.
As we’ve seen by the preview art, Ward is bearded and still bad. Dalton told Marvel.com where Ward stands as the new season begins.
“Who is Grant Ward without Agent Garrett? He’s always number two. He can follow commands really well. He can do and make tough choices and he can sometimes do unpleasant things in the name of something that he feels he believes in. But we’re not exactly sure who Grant Ward is without somebody telling him what to do. We got a bit of that because with Garrett, Grant Ward was just asking for something. “Give me something to do! What do I do now?” And Garrett was like, “You’ve done it! We’ve accomplished it! We got there.” I don’t think that Ward knows the answer to that question himself. And now we have a full season to explore that. “Who is he without someone telling him what to do?” You’ll find out. I’ve had a lot of time to think about that question. I’m really happy that the writers didn’t try to rush a little redemptive arc at the end of last season because I really do think it would have felt rushed. Now we have a whole season to explore that.

I think it’s a good thing that we got some opportunities in the last season to explore Ward’s past. All that stuff about his family and his brothers and his troubled childhood and Garrett coming along when he was in the juvenile hall and opening a door saying, “Do you want the red pill or the blue pill?” We saw a lot of his past. Now I think we’re going to see a lot of his future and what he decides to do from here on out.”
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns tonight on ABC at 9pm.
By Editor