Avengers Assemble in Seattle

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  Not only is Seattle comic book cool because we’re the home of Emerald City Comicon, Ed Brubaker, Fantagraphics and Soundgarden (their first song in 15 years will be featured in Marvel’s The Avengers!) but we have the Seattle International Film Festival.

  SIFF Cinema is giving Avengers fans their own heroic festival to get caught up on the super team’s solo adventures. The Avengers Assemble series is April 30th May 4th at SIFF Cinema Uptown. You can see The Incredible Hulk, an Iron Man Double Feature, Thor in 3D and Captain America: The First Avenger in 3D.

And don’t forget the The International Film Festival starts May 17th.

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