Avengers #1 Review


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Here’s what I love about reading Jonathan Hickman. His storytelling is packed with big, bold, ambitious ideas that you find in the most epic science fiction novels. It’s smart but lean storytelling that still moves you. He challenges you while entertaining you. I was thrilled when I learn Hickman would take over based on his previous (SHIELD, Fantastic Four, FF) and current work (Manhattan Projects.) Marvel chose well.


In Avengers #1 Hickman throws Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into an epic new conflict with high level cosmic stakes and high drama. I didn’t just feel like I was reading a relaunch of a superhero book. This is the creation of a new mythology.


Imagine our heroes up against the “Space Gods” from Prometheus blended with Jack Kirby’s “New Gods.” A squadron of favorites (the movie Avengers if you will ) go on a mission to Mars in which we encounter the new threats to Earth and learn why the roster will explode with 18 or more members.

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel


This premiere issue is built on big ideas but still packed with action, fights and heart and humor. Hickman and Opena craft a pitch perfect series of moments in the Avengers showdown on Mars. Some characters barely speak in the issue but when they do it has impact. It shows how Hickman is careful with his dialogue and lets Opena’s pencils carry the story.


You can’t tell me you didn’t feel a chill when Cap “waked the world” and in that final panel we saw the future of the Avengers. Marvel has chosen well – I’m excited for the Avengers World Hickman and Opena have created.


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