It’s Doc Green vs. Red Hulk in a brutal no-holds barred battle in this week’s Hulk #14 by Gerry Duggan and Mark Bagley.
Doc Green is the latest incarnation of the Hulk and he’s been on a mission to eradicate all gamma-powered powerhouses in the Marvel Universe.
Even Deadpool got in on the action. How did the Merc With a Mouth set up this smashing showdown? Will Wade betray “Thunderbolt” Ross to Doc Green? Continue reading DOC GREEN VS RED HULK
As we count down until the end of the Marvel Universe and the beginning of Secret Wars…see how it all began.
The beginning of Jonathan Hickman’s epic is collected in a new hardcover. The Illuminati is Marvel’s secret squad whose covert missions saved the universe.
Black Panther reassembles the Illuminati (Iron Man, Namor, Black Bolt, Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic and new recruits Captain America and Beast) to stand against incursions from parallel Earths.
The team discovers the only way to save our world is destroy others. Covert agendas, flat out lies and bitter old wounds complicate the mission leading to an unthinkable betrayal against Steve Rogers and a brutal war between Atlantis and Wakanda. Continue reading NEW AVENGERS: The Beginning of The End
Harley Quinn co-writers Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti takes Kori to Florida Keys and tell it’s a very different direction for the alien.
“I think so. It’s also going to have more of a light tone to it. We’re moving her down to Key West, where I think being orange just gets chalked up to taking too many of those tanning pills, and it’s about her dealing with and being dealt with by regular people like us. How do you deal with a six-foot tall, gorgeous, orange alien in your midst? How do you assimilate her into your world?” said Conner. Continue reading STARFIRE Sneak Peek
The casts and crews of Arrow and The Flash including Grant Gustin are saying it’s time for a gay superhero on television in a new story on The Advocate.
The Flash recently introduced openly gay villain Pied Piper and Sara Lance/Black Canary was bisexual (in love with Nyssa Al Ghul) on Arrow. Sara died this season but the actress who played her will appear in an Arrow/Flash spinoff featuring a team of heroes. Detective Renee Montoya (who became the Question in comics) is part of Gotham.
Director Bryan Singer sets the record straight on the “Rogue Cut” of X-Men: Days of Future Past.
The revised sequel will include the scenes featuring Anna Paquin as Rogue that were edited out of the original theatrical version due to time constraints.
“For the record the Rogue Cut of #Xmen #DOPT is 17 minutes more than the original cut. And has a few little changes I made. :)”
Ben Foster played Worthington in X-Men: The Last Stand. This Angel was the son of the biotech billionaire whose company developed a mutant cure. But the board is clear (to borrow inspiration from Xavier and Magneto’s chess games) since X-Men: Days of Future Past reset the timeline for a fresh start.
In comics Warren was one of the original X-Men who would later be transformed by Apocalypse into Archangel – one of his Horsemen. In battle, Warren had his wings cut but En Sabah Nur gave him metal wings which he could shoot knives and a blue skin as the Angel of Death. Continue reading ANGEL In X-MEN: APOCALYPSE
“This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your favorite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have never been higher as the heroes of Crisis, Zero Hour, Elseworlds, and more are brought together for Convergence!” Continue reading BATMAN V SUPERMAN, HARLEY QUINN, Hero In CONVERGENCE #1
Batman Eternal #52 is here wrapping up the year-long epic covering every corner of Gotham City and featuring nearly every member of the extended Bat-cast.
Ambitious, sprawling and packed with characters and twists – the final chapter resolved the questions left after issue 50’s what the? moment that revealed the mystery villain from issue one but not the real mastermind of the downfall of Bruce Wayne.