All-New DOOP #1 Preview

All-New Doop #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Doop #1 courtesy Marvel

The X-Men’s secret weapon (and often comic relief for fans) gets the spotlight in All-New Doop #1. Co-creators Peter Milligan (writer) and Mike Allred (artist) reunite for this insider look of what else happened during X-Men: Battle of the Atom.  Allred creates the cover while David La Fuente provides interior art.


If you missed the Doop-centric issue of Wolverine and the X-Men you missed out on a hilarious issue showing the inner workings of the Jean Grey School.  The new project will show Doop’s role in the X-Men’s monumental fight and Kitty Pryde’s personal life.


“This Doop story takes place around the time of the massive Marvel storyline/crossover X-Men: Battle of the Atom. Doop is a character who lives mostly in the margins, and this story takes place, if you like, in the margins of Battle of the Atom. It shows what happens in those moments just before or after or behind the main storyline. And though Doop seemed to play no part in the original Battle of the Atom, this story reveals the truth. And the truth is very surprising, in a very Doop kind of way. So in this limited series Doop’s sharing the spotlight with most of the main players from that original storyline: Kitty, Jean Grey—present and future versions—Cyclops, various Icemen from the present, past and future, Wolverine, and so on…and on…” Milligan explains on


All-New Doop #1 courtesy Marvel

Doop can appear on the pages and inspire laughter without saying a word but he’s not just comic relief.


“I don’t consider that I’m writing a comedy. This Doop story is in fact deadly serious. And I think writers can go wrong with Doop if they consider him a comedy character. The absurdist, Milligan-esque humor that comes from the story comes from the yawning chasm that exists between what Doop considers normal—i.e. himself—and what the rest of the known universe would deem normal—i.e. everything Not-Doop.”


All-New Doop #1 arrives in April. For the entire interview here’s the link.


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