Dark Horse Comics will remake the universe and it will be lot scarier!
Aliens, Predators, and Engineers come together in 2014 when the Aliens, Predators, and Alien Vs. Predator comics are rebooted, along with the first Prometheus comic series, and joined together in a single continuity.
The creators building the new comic book universe talked with io9 about how Aliens, Predators and the new characters from Prometheus will share this bold, frightening universe.
“Definitely, everything in the original movies is “canon” as far as I’m concerned. We won’t be directly referencing anything that happened with Ripley and company, but nothing that we’ll be doing will contradict or conflict with anything we’ve seen before, either.” said Aliens writer Chris Robertson who confirmed all-new characters for the book.
“We’re definitely focusing on original characters. I think the Prometheus movie opened a wealth of questions about the nature of the Engineers, and the aliens, and the universe as a whole. It’s interesting how some people watch the movie with a feeling of, “Oh, well, THAT answered some questions!” and others have a different reaction, seeing the work as a springboard for even further mysteries to be answered, for more to be explored. Myself, I love to focus on what’s still out there, both in the glory of exploration, and the horror of finding out answers you’re not ready for. New characters fit us best for those purposes.”
“They’ll have a strong presence throughout the entire project, because the nature of the Engineers and the theme of creation is a strong one throughout the whole of our project. Just what KIND of presence the Engineers will have… that I can’t reveal at this time. But they’re too enigmatic a race to stay away from, and the way that the various species interact… THAT’S very fascinating to me. How do humans see Engineers? How do Predators see Engineers? Where do we clash? Find common ground? When we first started having meetings to work out the overall story structure, these were some of the questions we were asking each other, so we knew that the questions needed to be addressed in the story,” said Prometheus writer Paul Robin.
“AvP, at its core, is a revenge story. It just happens that it’s a revenge story wrapped up in a brutal, nonstop monster movie, but a monster movie where you’re never sure who to root for. There’ll be lots of ultra violence, lots of bloodshed, lots of terror. While there’s a lot of similarities in theme across all the books, Chris’ Aliens book and Josh’s Predators book will be very different in tone and approach from AvP and from one another, which is what excites me most about the way the books are coming out and everyone bringing their individual tastes and tics to each title, where we can tell all kinds of different stories in one mutual sandbox,” said AVP writer Chris Sebela.
I’m looking forward to Dark Horse Comics carrying on an incredible storytelling legacy with all-new chapters. I think my favorite was Aliens vs. Predator: The Deadliest of the Species by Chris Claremont.
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