AGENT CARTER Evil Easter Eggs

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Hayley Atwell is back as Peggy Carter in Marvel’s Agent Carter. The new television series picks up Peggy’s story in 1946 after losing Steve Rogers. Peggy is in New York City working for the S.S.R. while going on a secret missions for Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) with his butler, Edwin Jarvis.

The action-packed premiere was filled with classic Marvel comics villains and homages so who’s who and what’s what?

In the tradition that started with Avengers for Virgins…here’s a breakdown of the Easter eggs in Agent Carter.

Spoiler Alert!

If you didn’t watch the first episode of Agent Carter stop reading now.


Here it comes.



The mystery man Peggy confronts warns, “Leviathan is coming.”

Secret Warriors #11 courtesy Marvel

Leviathan was an evil organization like Hydra that evolved from the Russian Cold War bloc nations instead of the Nazis. Leviathan was introduced as modern-day villains for Nick Fury’s Secret Warriors. Reed Diamond played Daniel Whitehall on the first half of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this season. Peggy and the Howling Commandos pursued Whitehall in flashbacks. In comics Whitehall is known as Kraken, a legendary Hydra leader who was part of the Hydra/Leviathan war in Secret Warriors. No official word on if this will the same organization in the series.


Vanko is the scientist Peggy consults. Anton Vanko is known in comics as Whiplash, the Russian scientist who became a longtime Iron Man villain. You may remember Mickey Rourke played the bad guy in Iron Man 2 seeking revenge on Tony claiming Howard Stark stole his father’s creations.

Roxxon Oil is a ruthless energy corporation in Marvel Comics. Roxxon executives have hired costumed criminals to steal, kill and enforce their evil agendas often leading to battles with Captain America, Iron Man and the Avengers.

Not all the Easter eggs are evil.

Edwin Jarvis (Howard Stark’s butler played by James D’Arcy) is a different from his comic book counterpart. In comics Jarvis is Tony’s trusted butler and runs Avengers mansion. In the Iron Man movies, Tony named his artificial intelligence “butler” computer system Jarvis.

Watch for more homages as Agent Carter continues Tuesdays on ABC.

By Editor

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