SUPERMAN vs. BATMAN #36 Preview

Batman #36 courtesy courtesy DC Comics, a BuzzFeed exclusive first
Batman #36 courtesy courtesy DC Comics, a BuzzFeed exclusive first

Who would win a fight between Batman and Superman?

It’s an age-old question we may get the answer to in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016.

We may get the answer even sooner in Batman #36 this week!

But this battle has a toxic twist:

The Man of Steel is under the influence of the Joker in this Endgame, Part Two preview courtesy BuzzFeed. Continue reading SUPERMAN vs. BATMAN #36 Preview


Batman #23.1 The Joker courtesy DC Comics
Batman #23.1 The Joker courtesy DC Comics

After Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice it’s the rise of the bad guys according to Warner Brothers plans for the DC Comics inspired movies.

Which rogues will appear in Suicide Squad for director David Ayer?

Oscar winner Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club) is being sought to play the Joker according to The Wrap. There’s no official word from Warner Brothers or Leto’s representatives. Tom Hardy, Will Smith and Margot Robbie are in discussion for roles according to the report. Ronbie (The Wolf of Wall Street) could be Harley Quinn. Continue reading JOKER In SUICIDE SQUAD?


Batman #35 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #35 courtesy DC Comics

The highly anticipated first chapter of Endgame arrives with a shocking ending.


Batman #35 is the start of a top-secret new storyline by writer Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo after the Zero Year origin story.


Earlier teases hinted at new sidekicks for the Dark Knight and a battle between Bruce and members of the Justice League.


But today marked the return of major villain.


Snyder talks about the rogue’s return in a new interview.


Before I continue here’s a…



GOTHAM Our Top Burning Question

courtesy Warner Brothers
courtesy Warner Brothers

Gotham premiered last night.


The new series explores the origin stories of Batman’s greatest ally and enemies. The first episode was packed with the Dark Knight’s most infamous rogues before they went bad but there’s one burning question and it’s not about the Riddler.


In the first episode Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock pursue who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. The trail leads to Fish Mooney (a new character created for the series) and Oswald Cobblepot, a scary Robin Lord-Taylor. A young street thief named Selina Kyle and troubled young girl named Ivy are introduced. Gordon and Bullock turn to forensic scientist Edward Nygma for help on the case. There’s even an appearance by….


Before I continue here’s a SPOILER ALERT. Continue reading GOTHAM Our Top Burning Question


Batman: A Celebration of 75 Years courtesy DC Comics
Batman: A Celebration of 75 Years courtesy DC Comics

This is the year of The Batman.


DC Comics is celebrating 75 years of The Dark Knight.  The legend was born in Detective Comics #27 back in 1939. How do you choose the best stories starring the world’s greatest detective and comic book hero from 75 years?


Batman: A Celebration of 75 Years is an incredible best of collection featuring a powerful cover by superstar Jim Lee.


The new collection includes stories Continue reading BATMAN: A CELEBRATION OF 75 YEARS

BATMAN 25th Anniversary

It’s the 25th Anniversary of Batman. Director Tim Burton and Warner Brothers changed modern comic book movies with this 1989 film.


Michael Keaton was the Dark Knight. Controversial but perfect casting.


Jack Nicholson was The Joker. The true wild card of the movie.


From the first moment the Dark Knight came on screen to rough up a pair of punks we you could feel the spirit of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.


Here’s the trailer to flash us back courtesy DC Comics on YouTube. Continue reading BATMAN 25th Anniversary

BATGIRL Enters Gothtopia

Batgirl #27 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #27 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics shares a preview of Batgirl #27.


Gothtopia is the final arc of John Layman and Jason Fabok which kicked off in last week’s huge Batman tribute, Detective Comics #27.


Gothtopia is an ideal world that’s not what it seems and this week Barbara Gordon becomes trapped in it.


Why would she leave? Continue reading BATGIRL Enters Gothtopia