The heroes are going to need a guardian angel when Trinity War explodes and some heroes must go to hell…literally!
The creation of Grant Morrison from his JLA run makes his New 52 debut! Here’s what DC is saying:
“In TRINITY OF SIN: THE PHANTOM STRANGER #9 readers saw The Stranger traveling to Hell on a quest to save the souls of his wife and kids. In next month’s issue #10, his search for his family will take him to Heaven.
Queue Zauriel.
Acting as a guide of sorts to help The Stranger locate his family, Zauriel has actually been connected to The Stranger for centuries … but why? And when The Stranger butts up against the strict rules of Heaven, there’ll be severe consequences – and it’ll be up to Zauriel to make sure he pays. Can Zauriel keep The Stranger in check long enough to avoid big conflict?”
Issue 9 is out today. Zauriel debuts next month!
By Editor