X-Treme X-Men Reunion


X-treme X-Men #1 courtesy

  This new X-Treme X-Men #1 variant revealed on inspires great X-memories for me. Salvador Larroca is one of my favorite artists and this marks a homecoming of sorts for the Spanish creator. The new X-Treme X-Men debuting in July is a team of mutants from various dimensions by Greg Pak and Stephen Segovia. Dazzler, Kid Nightcrawler, Emmiline Frost and Captain Howlett (an alternate version of Wolverine) will venture through time and space to save the multiverse. This series is a spinoff of Pak’s Astonishing X-Men run.

X-Treme X-Men #1 Vol 1 courtesy Marvel

 Larroca teamed with legendary Chris Claremont on the first incarnation of X-Treme X-Men featuring Storm, Gambit, Rogue, Psylocke, Sage, Bishop as globetrotting team in search of Destiny’s Diaries. I have this #1 issue in a frame on my mantle. Larroca later joined Peter Milligan on X-Men with weird tales like Golgotha, The Blood of Apocalypse and Bizarre Love Triangle: Mystique’s “foxxy” infiltration of the team. Larroca even worked on Chuck Austen’s X-Men’s run.

Uncanny X-Men #174 courtesy Marvel

Ed Brubaker welcomes Larroca back on Uncanny X-Men for his Morlock storyline. Larroca always seems to be evolving his style. His interpretation of Storm in particular.

Since 2008 Larroca has worked with Matt Fraction on Invincible Iron Man. I highly recommend newuniversal by Warren Ellis. With the rumored creative changes coming to Marvel’s main books perhaps Larroca will return to an X-Men book but until then let’s Marvel at this gorgeous cover.

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