You may have read my post in favor of Victor Gischler’s radical transformation of Jubilee in his X-Men series. The young mutant who was Wolverine’s spunky sidekick with fireworks generation powers is now a creature of darkness. In a new interview with Comic Book Resources, Gischler reveals who was behind the decision to turn Jubilee into a vampire.
“The initial idea to turn her vamp came from the big brains in the X-office. I jumped on the idea and ran with it. Jubilee was a big part of the “Curse of the Mutants” arc. Jubilee had been de-powered and it was not only a cool plot point to turn her vamp but also an exciting way to get her more actively in the mix again.”
If you haven’t been following Jubilee was turned into a vampire in X-Men #1: Curse of the Mutants. Jubilee disappeared from the team’s last mission and ended up with a unique vampire clan calling themselves the Forgiven. Gishcler talks about the long mutant/vampire history that led to his ongoing epic.
“I was sent a huge PDF file of all Marvel vamp lore when I started designing the different vampire sects for “Death of Dracula.” I started with ideas that were already there and sort of formalized and expanded them. Dracula, the sects and The Forgiven are now players in the Marvel U and we’ve already seen them make cool appearances in other books. They’ll continue to crop up now and then.”
Gischler says Storm will stay team leader but expect roster changes for the team. Will Jubilee stay if she can learn to control her vampire urges or will she join Logan at the School?
For his entire interview here’s the link.