Who says you can’t go home again? It’s easy when you have a demon sorceress/mutant teleporter on your side!
Cyclops, Magik, Magneto and Emma Frost arrived at the Jean Grey School in All-New X-Men #10 last week. Scott welcomed the staff and students of Wolverine’s school to join the new Xavier School. Some of the Jean Grey School students agreed to join Cyclops and the issue ended with a cliffhanger:
Will a member of Yesterday’s X-Men join Scott’s revolution?
This week in Uncanny X-Men #4 the action continues but will we learn who switched sides (and schools?) Brian Michael Bendis will begin to explore another burning question. All the Phoenix Five have seen their powers diminished except Magik! What is Illyana’s secret or is it just a matter of time before she looses control?

And what inspires Kitty’s reaction in this panel? Could she be looking at the face of a traitor, Colossus or something else?
Uncanny X-Men #4 arrives this week.
By Editor