All-New X-Men #10 is the showdown we’ve been waiting for since Brian Michael Bendis took on the Children of the Atom. Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto and Magik arrive at the Jean Grey School to recruit Logan’s students and staff away…to the new Xavier School.
Wolverine does not take it well.
There’s a passionate debate over what it means to be an X-Man, who shares responsibility for Avengers vs. X-Men and the Professor’s death. There’s a lot of talk but it’s so masterfully written and drawn. This All-New versus Uncanny X-Men is not an action packed showdown but an intense, impassioned, thought-provoking conflict on what it means to be a mutant in the post-AvX world.
Beast may have brought the young X-Men from the past into the present to change Scott but the future shock is affecting the once “innocent” X-Men in unexpected ways.
Mystique and Sabretooth continue their violent crime spree putting the mutant conflict on the front burner of S.H.I.E.L.D. and we’re left with a cliffhanger that made mutant jaws drop! Will an X-Man switch sides or this just a new twist of Bendis’s plots within plots?
By Editor