X-MEN Resurrection Preview by Brian Wood

X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

Brian Wood reveals what’s next for his all-female X-team. After defeating the ancient evil Arkea (she’s the “sister” of John Sublime) then surviving the Battle of the Atom – it’s time for a rematch and a perfect time for new readers to jump on board with X-Men #10 in February.


Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Rachel Grey, Monet and Karima (former Omega Sentinel) are facing an all-new Lady Deathstrike and all-new Sisterhood. In an unusual move, Lady Deathstrike recruited Enchantress and Typhoid Mary in her bizarre race to to world domination by tapping into Arkea. These are foes the mutants haven’t faced before.


“It’s the ongoing Arkea threat that is at once this world-ending threat, but also one that hits them directly, personally, and is so unusual that it’s a challenge just to figure out to fight it. As far as the stability, they have their hands full at the moment, but as we move into the second year of the series, this’ll be a big focus. They may survive Arkea, but its costs them something,” Wood tells


X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

Wood confirms the new Sisterhood will continue to be an “ongoing, persistent threat” to his X-team.


Along with a strong team of female X-Men Wood puts the younger members like Bling in the spotlight of his book.


Two artists join Wood for the upcoming arc. Kris Anka (the recent Ladies Night issue of Uncanny X-Men) on the main story with a backup feature starring younger X-Men by Clay Mann (from Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy run.)


X-Men #10 arrives February 5th.


Here are two more images from Mann which brings back X-memories of the Carey run and the  Age of X epic.

X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel


X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel


By Editor

Here are 3 links to key Brian Wood X-Men stories: Primer, Muertas and Blank Generation.

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