The mutants enter the All-New Marvel Now and will undergo a Trial. Marvel revealed this teaser but what does it mean?
Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immomen are the creative team so it must in involved the All-New X-Men.
Trial is in the aftermath of Battle of the Atom – the war between X-Men from the past, present and future.
The Phoenix always comes back so is this a trial by fire? Or a Battle to be the Phoenix.
It feels like the Phoenix just returned (Avengers vs. X-Men) to bond with Hope and re-ignite the mutant race but the signs are all over the X-books:
An adult Jean Grey arrived from the future in Battle of the Atom.
Young Jean Grey’s telepathic powers ignited when she arrives in the future.
Quentin Quire was recently seen wearing a Phoenix uniform and in possession of the Phoenix Force – we’ll find out more in today’s Wolverine and the X-Men.
Are you ready for the return of the Phoenix?
All will be revealed at New York Comic Con!
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