A classic X-Men battle is revisited in the latest Secret Wars Battleworld book. Remember when Genosha was a technological powerhouse built on the backs of mutant slave labor?
The X-Men brought them down but payback was in store as several villains banded together.
The X-Men clashed with the island nation one final time near the end of the classic runs by Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson. X-Men and New Mutants from every era were caught in the international intrigue as cyborg Cameron Hodge and Genosha unleashed their X-Tinction Agenda against the mutant heroes.
Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim used the original crossover as inspiration for a new take starting this week in X-Tinction Agenda #1.
“Rictor and Boom-Boom—who I’m renaming ‘Bombshell’—were very prominent in the original X-Tinction Agenda, so I wanted to make sure they had pivotal roles to play here,” Guggenheim told Marvel.com. “Mystique, Karma, and Wicked combine to form the current version of Genosha’s ‘Press Gang.’ They’re accompanied by a new character, ‘Bulletproof,’ who is a Genoshan mutate and, if all goes according to plan, will be the breakout character of this series. I couldn’t restrain myself from including Ink, from my run on Young X-Men. Another new and fun character is 1407, a H.E.R.B.I.E. model who’s been retrofitted to work for the X-Men.
“On the X-Men side, there’s Wolverine, because it wouldn’t be X-Tinction Agenda without Logan. But there’s a twist: In this version of reality, Hank McCoy brought the X-Men from GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1 from the past into the present, not the 1960’s X-Men, so the Wolverine I’m playing with is very different from the more refined samurai Logan we’ve come to know.”
X-Tinction Agenda #1 arrives this week.
By Editor