With Secret Wars anything is possible.
Even a demon infested New York City.
After taking on Sentinels, Brotherhoods of Evil Mutants, The Brood and hate-mongering crusaders the X-Men faced pure evil in the form of a demonic invasion in Inferno.
It’s mutants vs. demons all over again as Secret Wars gives us a new Battleworld made of slices of Marvel history. Inferno takes us into this satanic Warzone by Dennis Hopeless (Avengers Arena, Spider-Woman) and Javier Garron (Cyclops.)
The story centers on the twisted Rasputin brother and sister. Illyana/Magik was raised in Limbo and her demons literally came back to haunt her. This time Colossus will rise up and lead the crusade against the invaders.
“I really loved the exploration of Illyana’s growing up in [Limbo], She has this whole crazy history with all these demons that none of her teammates or her brother understood. We’re definitely going to be delving into Illyana’s Darkchylde side and how it affects her relationships.” Marvel.com.

Hopeless makes Colossus team leader in this expanded world set after the conquest of Manhattan.
“[This] Colossus is much more single-minded than the one we know and love,” the writer warns. “He lost his sister to the Inferno five years ago and is absolutely obsessed with getting her back. Unfortunately, nobody is allowed in or out of the island. Piotr has been carrying this heavy burden around for years, always waiting for his next opportunity to right the wrong. He’s definitely not somebody you’d want to mess with.”
The Inferno cast of X-Men will include Nightcrawler, Havok, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Domino and Boom Boom along with the demons S’ym and N’astirh
Inferno #1 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor