X-Men: Days of Future Past – the trailer is here. Based on the story by Chris Claremont, mutants from an apocalyptic future go into the past to change history and save the mutant race from extinction.
Director Bryan Singer returns to the X-family to unite the casts of the original X-trilogy and X-Men: First Class. As you can see by the trailer, Singer and his team were inspired by the classic comic book story but with executed a huge twist in who becomes the blast into the past. Watch and enjoy:
This is the first time we’ve seen Bishop, Blink and Warpath. These new mutants appear to be part of the dark future in which the original cast (Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore, Daniel Cudmore) now live. In the original story is was Kitty Pryde who was sent back into past to prevent an assassination that led to a government crackdown on mutants via the Sentinels. In this trailer is appear it’s Logan (Hugh Jackman) sent by Professor Xavier and Magneto to the 1970’s to make a plea to their younger selves (James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender) to make a change and change the future. There are on Sentinels in action but we see the creator of the mutant hunting robots, Bolivar Trask (played by Peter Dinklage.) X-Men: Days of Future Past opens May 23, 2014 By Editor