Years of Future Past #1 courtesy Marvel
Years of Future Past #1 courtesy Marvel

Kitty…actually Kate Pryde takes center stage as Secret Wars allows fans to see into new Days of Future Past.

Pryde and the last remaining mutants on Earth fight to survive in this Warzone of Battleworld based on the classic arc by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. In this reality mutants are hunted, caged or killed by giant Sentinel robots.

Years of Future Past by Marguerite Bennett and Mike Norton shows us a very different fate for the mutant race. What if Kitty couldn’t travel back and was forced to stay in future and fight for the surviving X-Men?

Bennett explains how this Kate Pryde is shaped by the events of a world rules by Sentinels.

“The two major new players are the big change. The first actually came from something that troubled me all the way back when I was a teenager — it’s almost a throwaway line Kate makes to Colossus, where she references having been a mother, and something terrible having happened. In this future dystopia, Kitty is not an optimistic young girl with nothing left to lose — she is a mother and wife with more to lose than ever before. No single battle rests on her — her entire people is dwindled down to near extinction. All survival hinges on her choices,” Bennett told Comic Book Resources in an exclusive interview.

“This is a very different story from the source material. As much as I love the original story, it is perfect as it stands, and to try and repeat it would be just that: Repetitive, if I pulled it off, or diminishing, if I didn’t. I wanted to explore that world without fumbling to mimic the same beats and parrot the words of masters. We’ve gone off the tracks.

Kate and Colossus were married and she bravely went back in time into the body of her younger self to lead the X-Men. Now Kate is leading the resistance.


Years of Future Past #1 courtesy Marvel

“She is no longer a desperate girl with nothing left to lose; she’s a mother and wife with more to lose than ever before. On her shoulders rest not only the lives of her family and friends and a solitary mission, but the survival of her entire people, who are dwindling to nothingness through the purges of the Sentinels and the abuses of the regime in power. She fights every day to keep her bitterness at bay, to instill the greatest virtues in her daughter, even as she knows that cynicism might be the better weapon. She is a projection of what we might become, if we do not act in the present to save the future,” Bennett told

Bennett said to watch for DOFP versions of Wolverine, Storm, Rachel Summers, Colossus, Mystique, Magneto, Blob with two new characters in the tie-in story.

Years of Future Past #1 arrives Wednesday.

Fans will see the Age of Apocalypse Kitty Pryde in Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde.

By Editor

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