X-MEN Apocalypse 2016 – What Might Be!

X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel

With one tweet X-Men director Bryan Singer signals the mutant Apocalypse!
X-Men Apocalypse 2016


X-Men: Days of Future Past hits in May 2014 and it looks like Fox is charging ahead with a new film starring the Children of the Atom against one of their most powerful enemies.


Apocalypse (created by legendary writer Louise Simonson and artist Walt Simonson) is an immortal mutant with multiple powers. The “First Mutant” named En Sabah Nur has been manipulating his race since the days of ancient Egypt and far into the future.
The timeless En Sabah Nur lies dormant for years before rising again to manipulate the mutant race in his eternal mission that “Only the Strong Survive.”


What’s exciting to speculate upon is that if you have Apocalypse then here are the unusual suspects the follow:


Cable #2 cover courtesy Marvel.com
Cable #2 cover courtesy Marvel.com

The Good:


Cable Nathan Summers is the child of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor (she’s a clone of Jean Grey created by Mister Sinister) who was infected by a techno-organic virus as baby but was transported into the distant future to be cured and raised to be a freedom fighter against Apocalypse, who rules this future. Cable has travels into past to form X-Force in an effort to stop En Sabah Nur in the past.


Domino is the a mutant mercenary with good luck powers who fights with and loves Cable and Wolverine in both versions of X-Force.


X-Force – Cable’s covert team that takes the fight to enemies of mutants. Warpath (Boo Boo Stewart) and Sunspot (Adan Canto) are making their debut in X-Men:DOFP so these warriors could return in the next movie.


Askani – a religious order/resistance movement in a future ruled by Apocalypse. Rachel Summers (daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey) take a young Nathan (Cable) into the future to save his life and raise him to lead the resistance.


Uncanny X-Men #239 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #239 courtesy Marvel

The Bad:


Mister Sinister Nathaniel Essex was a radical geneticist during the era of Charles Darwin who discovers a just risen Apocalypse is transformed by him into an immortal superhuman servant. Sinister is obsessed with mutant genetics and bloodlines – especially that of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. Sinister was behind the Mutant Massacre and the Inferno demon invasion of Earth. Would Singer and company go there?



Four Horsemen are Apocalypse’s lethal enforcers. One of his greatest crimes was transforming Angel into his Archangel of Death with wings of blades instead of feathers. Imagine Ben Foster returning as the darker Archangel! Gambit and Sunfire have served as Horsemen in the past.


Dark Riders are a modern version made of mutants taking their name from the warriors En Sabah Nur led in ancient Egypt.


Clan Akkaba is cult made of Apocalypse’s descendants and ensures his legacy will endure.


Ozymandias was a warlord in ancient Egypt transformed by En Sabah Nur intobeing his immortal servant.


Stryfe is the evil clone of Cable who enforces Apocalypse’s will in the future.


There’s a rundown of what might be in the 2016 X-Men sequel and beyond.


X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel

Three heirs of En Sabah Nur are currently in Marvel Comics. (Evan aka Genesis) is a clone of the reborn Apocalypse studying at Logan’s mutant school in Wolverine and the X-Men in hopes his destiny can be changed. The Apocalypse Twins are descended from Archangel starring in Uncanny Avengers but this version to the right is the classic evil one!


Let the speculation begin!


By Editor