The X-Men go into orbit as a new creative team kicks off a new arc in X-Men #18. Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim and artist Harvey Tolibao wrap the all-female mutant team into an outer space mystery featuring the return of a classic villain.
When Deathbird shows up floating at The Peak’s door step…or airlock may be more appropriate…S.W.O.R.D. leader Abigail Brand calls in the Children of the Atom.
Rachel Grey, Psylocke and Monet perform a psychic exam after Dr. Cecilia Reyes tries a medical check of the infamous alien. Guggenheim and Tolibao use the psi search to remind us of Deathbird’s wicked past and connection to Marvel history in one powerful page.
Before the team can uncover Deathbird’s biggest secret an old enemy from the Chris Claremont/Dave Cockrun era makes a frightening comeback. The creative team builds the tension in an eerie homage to Aliens before one last big cliffhanger.
X-Men #18 is a tense, fast paced thriller with homages to old school fans of the long running mutant/Shi’ar conflict while keeping it fun and fresh. What I continue to love about this book starring the all-female team is the opportunity to see great characters like Monet, Jubilee, Rachel, Cecilia sharing the front burner with icons like Storm and Psylocke. Ororo and Betsy seem to be vying for Wolverine status with roles in multiple X-books. Rachel has always been my favorite timelost X-Man. Guggenheim appears to have long-term plan for the once and future Phoenix as the Shi’ar mystery begins.
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