The new Lady Deathstrike will stop at nothing to destroy the X-Men and take over the world with an ancient power source.
But Arkea will not be possessed.
The all-female X-team written by Brian Wood now face the Sisterhood, more dead enemies resurrected….and a whole army of rebooted Sentinels under Arkea’s control this week in X-Men #11.
“It’s the ongoing Arkea threat that is at once this world-ending threat, but also one that hits them directly, personally, and is so unusual that it’s a challenge just to figure out to fight it. As far as the stability, they have their hands full at the moment, but as we move into the second year of the series, this’ll be a big focus. They may survive Arkea, but its costs them something,” Wood tells Marvel.com.
The war against Arkea and the Sisterhood is on two fronts with two artists on board for the current arc.
Storm and Psylocke take the fight to the Sisterhood. You know you’re excited for the Elizabeth/Lady Deathstrike sword battle!
Jubilee leads a team of younger mutants (including Bling, Hellion) against a legion of Sentinels under Arkea’s power.
Artists Kris Anka (of the recent Ladies Night issue of Uncanny X-Men) and Clay Mann (from Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy run.)
Here are two more images by Mann of Jubilee’s young X-Men squad plus a preview of the next chapter of the Sisterhood fight, the X-Men #12 cover.

By Editor
Here are links to 3 Brian Wood X-Men stories connected to the current arc: Primer, Muertas and Blank Generation.
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