Avengers vs. X-Men rages on this week in X-Men Legacy #268 but Marvel promises this issue will dive into the past of Frenzy. Joanna Cargill has been a villain with the Alliance of Evil and the Acolytes but is now trying to redeem herself with the X-Men.
I’m a huge Frenzy fan because of Mike Carey and now Christos Gage’s portrayal of her in X-Men Legacy. She left Utopia and joined Rogue and Wolverine because of falling in love with Cyclops in the Age of X pocket universe. Scott did not return her affection when reality was reset.
Frenzy is a powerful mutant and emotional powder keg. She may have been pushed but Frenzy threw the first punch in the AvX fight in this tie-in book. Joanna’s rage has been because of emotional manipulation and disappointment after giving her all to a cause (the Acolytes, Cyclops in Age of X.) Gage has been slowly showing an attraction between Joanna and Gambit. Frenzy reminds me of Rogue when she first joined the X-Men. I look forward to seeing what Gage does in this issue with such a character that has so much potential.
Click here to see why I think Frenzy would be perfect for an X-Men: First Class sequel.
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