In the aftermath of the Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny X-Force crossover Vendetta – there will be one single X-Force book. Marvel revealed plans for the new title by Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Numbercruncher) via USA Today.
The rosters have changed but X-Force has always been the pro-active, clandestine unit of the X-Men doing what X-Men can’t…sometimes taking out their enemies before they can attack mutants.
The team will be Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex and the return of…Marrow?
“What I’ve taken from those early X-Force episodes is a take-no-prisoners attitude towards action,” Spurrier says. “But I like to think I’ve injected a little post-millennial sophistication, too.
“This isn’t a steroidal macho-fest: It’s a slick, nasty, oh-so-grim beast that’ll cut your throat and blow up your headquarters before you even know it’s there.”
The stripped down single team will investigate the deadly “Alexandria Incident” which brings them in contact with “superhuman secret agents” from across the globe. The covert squad is a metaphor for the surge in covert technology and multiple nations’ intelligence gathering agendas.
“Switch on the news and you’ve got unmanned drones violating international borders, governments listening in on their enemies — their allies and their own civilians alike, —unregistered aeronautical tech deployed in the field, defected oligarchs dying of radiation poisoning, whistleblowers vilified and so on,” the writer says.
The new X-Force #1 arrives in February.
Marrow is a mutant raised by the Morlocks (grotesque mutants living under New York City) who could pull bones from her body to use as weapons.
Si Spurrier is the writer behind one of the biggest creative gambles of the Marvel Now campaign: X-Men Legacy starring Legion.
For the entire interview here’s the USA Today link.
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