Many of our favorite X-Men and Avengers stories are going into tie-in mode for AvX. At Marvel’s Avengers vs. X-Men panel at C2E2 Jason Aaron talked about the arc in Wolverine & The X-Men” saying he’s focusing on “Logan’s long, dark night of the soul” where he battles with himself over what side to choose.
“Logan makes his choice, but just because he goes that way, it doesn’t mean that everyone else at his school will make the same choice.”
Aaron notes that Iceman and Rogue will play a major role as well. The book will also feature Gladiator who will cross with his son Kid Gladiator in issue #13.
I love Kid Gladiator and his bodyguard Warbird (she’s appearing in Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men arc.) I’ve always been a huge fan of Gladiator and didn’t know his new Shiar status.
For the entire panel here’s Marvel.com panel link.