Wolverine’s Avenging Friends

Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #3 courtesy Marvel

How can Logan defeat an enemy he can’t punch, hack or slash? Writer Paul Cornell and artist Alan David kicked off Wolverine’s new solo book with a deadly trail of alien carnage ripping through New York City in the first two issues. Can Nick Fury Jr. help Logan beat this impossible new foe in this week’s Wolverine #3.

Borrowing the words of a famous songwriter can Logan “get by with a little help from his friends?”

Wolverine is an X-Man, an Avenger, a Headmaster. Logan may have a reputation as a loner but this hero may actually be a super “people” person. Paul Cornell explains how Logan’s friends and allies will play a role as the series moves forward:

“He likes people. He’s actually a very strange creature. He chooses to keep himself grounded and involved with human beings, to be both an effectively immortal mutant with additional military implants, and this guy who likes bars and beer,” Cornell tells,

I think [he sees] them as fellow professionals, people who do the same job he does. “Hero” would be a difficult word for most of them. He takes responsibility, I think, and he likes the company of others who do the same, particularly young Nick Fury, who’s his buddy movie partner for a lot of this. If I have a voice in my head for James, it’s the young Clint Eastwood, who’s got a nice, tough line in not taking himself too seriously. I think Hugh Jackman has an eye on him when he plays the part too.”

Wolverine #2 courtesy Marvel

Cornell confirmed Logan’s teammates will appear in the series.

“Yes, when it would be weird not to do so. If he needs to talk on equal terms with cops he doesn’t know, of course he’ll get out his Avengers ID. If he needs a science job done, of course he’ll find friends who can do it. I don’t like titles to be hermetically sealed against what’s going on elsewhere, but I don’t like them to be trailing behind that either. As far as I’m concerned, this is Wolverine’s central title, where you go for your Wolverine news.”

For the entire interview here’s the

Hunting Season continues in Wolverine #3 arrives this week.

By Editor

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