It’s a Wolverine/Spider-Man story like you’ve never seen in Wolverine #2 this week.
The X-Man has a new costume, weapons and job. Writer Paul Cornell and artist Ryan Stegman are the team behind the major changes in a Rogue Logan.
After taking away Logan’s mutant healing factor in Killable and having him beaten by Sabretooth, Logan declared “the Wolverine is dead.” Now Logan is working with low-life criminals.
If you read the final page of Wolverine #1 you may wonder is the X-Man has completely gone over the edge.
Can the Superior Spider-Man pull him back?

“Peter Parker used to follow Wolverine around. Now Logan is following Doc Ock around to ask specific questions. I think they have a very interesting conversation about big personality changes in super heroes. I’ve wanted to have those two talk for the longest time. The Superior Spider-Man is the voice of reason in this story!”
“If fans are angry now, they’ll be much angrier toward the end of the year. I think everybody will be talking about Wolverine. Paul is building two stories here and teeing up something massive,” Editor in Chief Axel Alonso said in a Marvel liveblog.

Having Doc Ock replace Peter Parker was controversial. The team compares how pitching this radical change for the fan-favorite X-Man to the Spider-Man switch.
“My initial reaction to Dan Slott’s pitch on Superior Spider-Man was ‘No f’ing way,’ but then I heard it in its totality. This is the same thing. I needed to be sold, and Jeanine (Schaefer) and Paul (Cornell) came up with a story. When I allude to the anger and excitement fans are going to feel toward the end of the year, that’s because this is a huge story and one we’re taking seriously,” said Alonso.
Rogue Logan continues in Wolverine #2 this Wednesday.
By Editor