The darker side of the fan-favorite X-Man is unleashed this week.
Paul Cornell and Alan Davis killed it with Killable – in which Logan has lost his mutant healing factor while fighting a mind-controlling virus.
Marvel relaunch the X-Man’s solo series with a brand new Wolverine #1 this week with a new attitude and mission for Logan.
Superior Spider-Man artist Ryan Stegman joins Cornell for the first arc of the new series and he’s given Logan a new costume.
Payback finds Logan working for a mob boss called The Offer:
“The Offer is a minor super villain gang boss who has the power to make the best possible offer. It’s not hypnotism; you’re free to turn him down. But his offers tend to make people think twice. He’s a caring, fatherly presence to his gang, but he’s not really a good man,” Cornell tells Marvel.com.
“His gang includes Pinch, who Logan is in a relationship with, who can pull threads from any material; Fuel, who increases powers, and thus can make Logan move at high speed; and the Lost Boy, who can make anything ignite, and who has a complicated attitude towards what heroism and villainy might be. Logan worries about him.”

Check out Logan’s new uniform. The creators explain why Wolverine armors up with a new look.
“He’s now wearing an armor which keeps the shape of his old uniform, but it has, worryingly for readers who’ve been paying attention, samurai influences, too,” said Cornell.
“I like the simplicity of it. It looks very Wolverine, while still being different from previous designs. It hearkens back to samurais, which is very neat and very fitting. I also like the simple combination of black and yellow. I’m always a fan of simplicity in character design and black and yellow, to me, really screams Wolverine,” adds Stegman.
Looks like Logan will cross paths with the Superior Spider-Man in chapter two.
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
The darker all-new Wolverine #1 Wednesday.
By Editor