The Wolverine solo book is ending this December but don’t bet on a Logan solo title being left out of the Marvel NOW reboot. Who will take over Wolverine? The teaser for Savage by Frank Cho supports the fan theory that Cho will steer Logan’s solo adventures in 2013.
Remember back when Wolverine starred in the Marvel Comics Presents book which gave us the classic Weapon X by Barry Windsor-Smith. Back in the day there was excellent one shots like The Jungle Adventure by Mike Mignola and Blood Lust by Alan Davis.
Logan is already starring in multiple X-Men and Avengers books in the Marvel Now so why not a Wolverine book with arcs in the past, present and future with rotating all-star creative teams?

These ideas pop into my mind:
Paul Jenkins (Origin) with a tale of James Howlett in Alberta.
Mike Carey (X-Men Legacy) takes Logan to hell with Doctor Strange.
Jeff Parker (Hulk, Dark Avengers) with Logan as a mercenary in Wakanda
Paul Cornell (Excalibur) with a Logan on assignment with MI-13 and Spitfire in WWII.
John Byrne (Alpha Flight, Wolverine) crafting a long-lost Patch story in Madripoor.
Mike Mignola (Hellboy) returning to The Jungle Adventure one-shot of Logan versus Apocalypse in the Savage Land and the child he left behind.
Chris Claremont and Frank Miller returning the era of the Wolverine in Japan adventure in time for Hugh Jackman’s next film The Wolverine, based on that story.
I’m sure we’ll soon see plans for a new ongoing Wolverine solo book but a geek can dream of a more anthology book with the best of the best writing stories of Logan being the best there is!
By Editor