Logan is a dead man running in writer Paul Cornell’s current Wolverine arc. The X-Man has lost his healing factor and is now Killable. This is not the confident cocky X-Man you’re used to and as Cornell tells Marvel.com that’s the idea.
“He’s certainly a bit more melancholy, in that he’s been suddenly faced with what most of us have years to get used to: the idea of mortality. He will indeed, over time, start to build a new fighting style, but right now he’s having to rely on what he’s got, and hope it doesn’t get him killed.”
Wolverine’s greatest enemies are out gunning for him now that he’s vulnerable. So far Sabretooth is playing a behind the scenes role and Cornell reveals why a microvirus is Logan’s biggest and most unique threat in the new series:

“I wanted something he couldn’t just cut up, and innocent people controlled by a virus really worked for that. He has to think harder when dealing with them. And it’s all leading towards a payoff at the end of the arc in #13.”
Kitty Pryde joins Logan on his search for a cure and they head back to familiar territory in the next chapter: the Howlett estate from Origin.
Legendary Alan Davis is the artist on the current art and as you can see from the covers – making Logan Killable had made him fearful. What could scare Wolverine?
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