School’s back in session with new headmasters!
Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the creative team on a relaunched Wolverine and the X-Men in 2014 as revealed by IGN.
Current writer Jason Aaron just launched Amazing X-Men and will end his Wolverine and the X-Men run with issue 42 in February. The Jean Grey School will remain open as the new team takes over with a brand new number one in March. The new series explores what happens during summer semester. Fantomex joins the teaching staff. Quentin Quire will become “one of the biggest players of the book.”
“As we’ve seen this first year or so of the Jean Grey School has been a hard road. As a result we’ll begin with a lot of the teachers and students sitting on the the edge of their seats just waiting for the bell to ring. For a break, for a reprieve. Some of them even want to quit. With summer in session many of them have. Those that are left are the ones who basically have no where to go.
So with that in mind, the center of it all are Quire and Evan and Idie. Kids who are among the most potentially powerful and dangerous mutants alive.These kids are Logan’s legacy, but as we’ve seen up to this point he didn’t have such a great track record with that stuff even when he was at his best. In them we could be witnessing the growth of the next GREAT team of X-Men, or the creation of the biggest threats the Marvel U will ever see. Everything we’re planning, the adventures, the threats, will reflect that journey,” Latour tells IGN.

In Paul Cornell’s new Wolverine series, Logan will play the villain but will he distance himself from the kids?
“Well to this point it’s all begun and ended with Logan. It’s his strength of this school is built on the back of. His reputation for being the unkillable badass has been their insurance policy against threats inside and out. It’s been his desire to see Xavier’s dream continued, to see his own past atoned for that’s kept them driving forward. But now Logan is mortal and for the first time he’s being forced to take stock of what he’s built. He’s realizing that what he saw as a school could, in the wrong hands, become a factory for the next Cyclops or Dark Phoenix or Apocalypse or Weapon X. That though people like Storm are ready and willing to take the mantle, he’s not sure that he wants to subject them to the price of that duty.
So a big question we’ll be asking is who can he trust to guide the next generation of X-Men? To protect and mold them into the heroes they need to be? Do they even want that guidance? Is that even possible given what they know about tomorrow? No matter what is happening in Logan’s private life, these are questions he’s very much has a vested interest in trying to answer.”
School’s Not Out Forever!
Wolverine and the X-Men ends with #42 in February then a new number one in March.
By Editor