Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 courtesy Marvel

Bucky Barnes sits at the top of our 14 characters to watch in 2014.


From sidekick to Invader to Avenger to Captain America – Bucky’s played many roles in the Marvel Universe.


A new limited series looks back at Bucky’s most infamous role – The Winter Soldier.


Marvel shared a first look inside Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 with art by Roland Boschi.


Writer Rick Remender spins a retro spy thriller with Nick Fury and set in World War II. When S.H.I.E.L.D. sends an undercover operative to retrieve two Nazi scientists, the Soviet Union sends in their ruthless agent – Winter Soldier to capture the scientists and kill anyone who gets in his way.


Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort explains how this blast from the past ties into the new super villain Steve Rogers is battling in Captain America.


“In the late 1960’s, a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission gone wrong begat the creation of the Iron Nail, the foe whose schemes and strategies are bedeviling Captain America in the present in his own series,” tells Brevoort “WINTER SOLDIER: THE BITTER MARCH tells the story of that fateful mission, and the events that set S.H.I.E.L.D. operative Ran Shen onto the path that would result in him becoming the dreaded Iron Nail.”


Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 arrives in February 12th.


You can see Bucky and Steve along with Namor and the original Human Torch in the All-New Invaders #1 in stores now.


By Editor

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