Wolverine and Susan Storm Richards of the Fantastic Four make a desperate decision to stop the death and destruction caused by Hank Pym’s greatest invention and greatest mistake – Ultron.
Marvel shared this preview of Age of Ultron #8 by artist Brandon Peterson. Logan and Susan appear to be facing off against Iron Man. The other image shows someone (that doesn’t look like Tony Stark) in the Iron Man armor but tapped into a matrix or network (perhaps inside Ultron) tapping into memories of Marvel’s greatest moments.
Do you see that image of Wolverine with Mariko?

Where is Brian Michael Bendis ultimately taking us as Age of Ultron buildings to a conclusion? With all the time traveling (don’t forget the young mutants of All-New X-Men) in the Marvel Now it sure looks like we may be in for a revamping of Marvel history and whole new future!
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