Wild Wolverine in ORIGIN II

Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel
Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) goes back in time next year in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Marvel is taking you back into Logan’s past in Origin II this December.


Writer Kieron Gillen (Uncanny X-Men, Iron Man) and artist Adam Kubert team up to explore a “lost” tale of the mutant’s youth and his first encounter with a scientist who will become one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies.


It’s been a decade since the groundbreaking Origin – the story that finally revealed Wolverine’s early life and identity. Given the expectations for this sequel I wanted to share part of Gillen’s new interview. The writer tells Marvel.com why the time was right for this story.


“It was one of those definitive projects and Marvel has always said they didn’t want to rush to do an Origin II. “We’ll do it when we have a story to tell.” So it’s quite complimentary when they decide to do it now. I like the period piece of it. That’s what is most fun about it. It’s very clean, you know; there’s the kind of sense that it’s for people who could even just read it as a graphic novel. Obviously, it answers all these kind of questions about the core of Logan and his origins and those big shocks for the fans. But it’s still got the kind of period novel vibe to it. It’s got a really good sense of place and that’s kind of what I lean into, me and Adam [Kubert]. It’s like a period novel in the Marvel Universe with a minimum of moving parts; the idea that I don’t make it too fantastical. I make it just the correct level of fantastical, I’d hope. In addition, several questions remain from that first series.”


Gillen explains where the new story picks after the traumatic events of the classic series:

Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel
Origin II #1 courtesy Marvel



“When we leave Wolverine in Origin, he’s running off to live with wolves. He’s not really much like Logan. This is where he came from but he has still clearly got some change in store between the guy we met then and the guy we now know. The next time we see Logan in the timeline is with Silver Fox, isn’t it? So what happens to basically turn him from that boy into the man we meet with Silver Fox? That’s kind of what this story’s about, in a way.”


Gillen goes on to compare the story to Jack London’s classic story “White Fang” and focuses on Logan’s “return to civilization.”


Origin II #1 arrives December 24th.


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