Who’s All-New Marvel Now Next

All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

The All-New Marvel Now is on the way. World War II heroes The Invaders will reunite against a modern-day enemy in a new series by James Robinson and Steve Pugh. Inhuman by Matt Fraction and Joe Maduriera will star classic and new Inhumans in a world vastly changed after a major event involving the Kree-created race. All-New Avengers #24.NOW by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic starts a new arc, Rogue Planet, in the wake of Infinity.


Who’s next? Which characters and concepts should get a chance to shine in the All-New Marvel Now? Black Widow and Silver Surfer have been named as possible heroes getting a new series in the upcoming recharge.


Here are our top picks for the All-New Marvel Now treatment:


Doctor Strange: The Oath cover courtesy Marvel.com
Doctor Strange: The Oath cover courtesy Marvel.com

Doctor Strange: Stephen Strange is said to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Phase Two (aka movie on the way) so expect a Strange solo series or perhaps lead his own team. Strange has been an Avenger, a Defender and the go-to supernatural expert who has teamed up with X-Men, Fantastic Four and practically everyone. Why not have Strange as a supernatural Charles Xavier leading twisted teens with magical powers?


Excalibur: I loved the Chris Claremont and Alan Davis series from the 90’s. Brian Braddock (Captain Britain) and Meggan are an amazing couple. Kids from the Braddock Academy have appeared in Avengers Arena and now in Infinity: The Hunt. A new European based team (made of mutants and mystical powered heroes) would be a fantasy filled addition to the Marvel Universe as they explore the multiverse plus it would be a chance to have Peter Wisdom of MI-13 back.



Cloak & Dagger: A failed experiment turned runaways Ty Jackson and Tandy Bowen into super-powered vigilantes committed to fight drugs and help runaways. The duo have guest starred in Spider-Man books and were recruited into Dark X-Men. The street-level heroes Mighty Avengers could recruit Ty and Tandy in their fight against Thanos and the Black Order and pave the way for a new series.

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel.com
Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel.com


GLBT X-Men: The fight for mutant rights has represented the fight against discrimination in stories that reflect the times. After the success of an all-female X-Men is it time for an all-gay X-Men? While the concept may not sustain an ongoing series it could make a limited series. Veterans Northstar and Karma could lead Anole, Rictor, Shatterstar, Bling in a storyline that explores what it means to be a mutant or gay in a changing world that surges forward and backward on acceptance depending on where you live in the world. South Africa and apartheid inspired Genosha and the X-Tinction Agenda. What could the recent controversial policies towards gays and lesbians of Russia inspire to a writer especially given Jean-Paul’s background as an Olympic champion and the upcoming Sochi Olympics?


Who do you think deserves the All-New Marvel Now spotlight?


By Editor


Here’s what I said then before the Avengers vs. X-Men finale and after Marvel Now was announced.