Update: The complete team has been revealed here including a surprise member.
Double mystery for Marvel fans as get closer to Free Comic Book Day.
Earlier Marvel revealed Ms. Marvel and the new Thor are members of the All-New, All-Different Avengers story in the FCBD issue with more of the roster to be revealed this week.
FCBD will feature a story setting up the new Uncanny Inhumans book by Charles Soule.
The first two stars of the story have been revealed with a quote by Soule describing each one:
Medusa: “The Inhuman queen has defeated every threat directed against her nation, but her heart may prove more difficult to defend.”
Inferno: “Dante Pertuz was one of the first of the new generation of Inhumans to join Medusa’s crusade. Despite struggles to understand his new heat-based abilities, he remains a valuable asset to the Queen’s crusade.”
After Black Bolt unleashed Terrigenesis across the globe and vanished, Medusa was left to defend the throne, rebuild Attilan and rescue NuHumans like Dante.
It’s a good bet other NuHumans Naja, Flint, Iso and Nur aka Frank McGee will stay in the cast. Tonaja and Alaris from the Paul Jenkins/Sean McKeever era would be cool additions to the next phase of the Inhuman franchise.
These characters and more are part of our picks for Inhumans to appear on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
In fact, watch for Inhumans introduced on the television show (Raina, Eyeless Mystery Man) to potentially make the leap to comics.
By Editor