Valkyrie is recruiting Earth’s finest females to become the new Shieldmaidens of Asgardia. Misty Knight and Valkyrie became a globe-trotting odd couple fighting Viking zombies in the premiere. Dani Moonstar and a sinister new enemy joined the action and Hela was raised in Fearless Defenders #2. The Death Goddess unleashed a reborn Warrior Woman in the final page!
Writer Cullen Bunn will keep building the roster as the rollercoaster ride continues.
“This is not a traditional team. They don’t have a headquarters. There’s a whole slew of characters who will pass in and out of the book. Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar are there for the long haul. It’s different from the average Marvel group book” explained Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.
Picking up from the last issue – a showdown with Hela in Asgardia introduces a new member to the cast. She’s a character that’s back from the dead with a whole new design.

“The character on the cover to issue #3 is a new member of the group, Hippolyta, somebody we’re bringing back from the dead but with a new approach. We’re playing with what was there before and are introducing her in a different way.”
“She will be going by the hero name Warrior Woman–whether she wants to or not,” added Ellie Pyle.
This week in Fearless Defenders #3 has this resurrected warrior joined the team only be marked for death by the Doom Maidens! Phil Jimenez designed Warrior Woman’s new look and created a variant cover.
By Editor