Geoff Johns is having a devil of a time writing the villains of the DC Universe in Forever Evil. The Crime Syndicate (a twisted version of the Justice League) has conquered Earth, destroyed the Justice League and rallied the worth rogues, foes, psychos into a Secret Society of Super Villains.
Not every bad guy is falling in line with the Crime Syndicate. Lex Luthor just got his empire back when the world changed. Before the series is over you may be cheering for the classic Superman enemy.
“Lex is definitely the protagonist of this series. It’s a journey for him that will have some pretty big repercussions moving forward. He doesn’t necessarily want to rule the world like this,” Johns tells BuzzFeed, “He doesn’t like what the Crime Syndicate are doing. This isn’t okay for business; it isn’t okay for life. He’s taken it upon himself that if Superman’s not around, he’s going to step up. Do you watch like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones?”

With the entire pantheon of DC villains to work with…who is the favorite to write?
“It’s hard to say. I love Captain Cold. I have him on my door at the office. He’s grounded, he doesn’t want to rule the world, he’s not necessarily driven by ego, which a lot of villains are. Sinestro I obviously have written for a long time and find him very compelling, because he’s just a step away from being a good guy… And I really love Catwoman because she has such confidence to her. She lives in this world and finds it so ridiculous—all these big guys puffing around in costumes and capes. She has a lot of fun with that. I can’t really pick a favorite!”
Forever Evil #2 is out this week. For more of the interview here’s the BuzzFeed link.
By Editor