To kill a king they assembled an army. Valiant’s first super group book just hit comic book shops with a vengeance!
Unity #1 sees Toyo Harada, Eternal Warrior, Livewire and Ninjak gathered on a mission – take down one of Valiant’s most popular heroes.
X-O Manowar has reclaimed his homeland and the world is on the brink. To bring him down Harada has recruited this elite team of ruthless operatives.
Here’s a first look inside UNITY #2 – the next issue by writer Matt Kindt and artist Doug Braithwaite.
“Broken but not beaten… Unity has to put down X-O Manowar and avert nuclear war. But Harada’s super-team lasted a grand total of five minutes last issue before they were taken out. Time for Unity 2.0…but how do you get a cast of malcontents, egotists, immortal warriors, and manipulative backstabbers to work together? The answer? You don’t tell them they’re working together.
Unity cannot be stopped – and X-O Manowar doesn’t stand a chance!”
The first issue was an incredible set up to a thrilling showdown ahead with amazing art.
UNITY #2 arrives December 11th.
Keep on for more art from inside the second chapter:

By Editor