Big news from Marvel at San Diego Comic Con. X-MEN BLACK is not just a new series. It’s a banner of one-shots starring the greatest X-villains.

And the flagship X-book is back this fall:
Here’s the X-MEN BLACK books and teams:
MAGNETO by Chris Claremont and Dalibor Talajic
JUGGERNAUT by Robbie Thompson and Shawn Crystal
MOJO by Scott Aukerman and Nick Bradshaw
MYSTIQUE by Seanan McGuire and Marco Failla
EMMA FROST by Leah Williams and Chris Bachalo
APOCALYPSE by Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler and Geraldo Borges – a 5-part back up story in all books.
Each book features covers by J. Scott Campbell.
This marks a return for the legendary Claremont who wrote some of the greatest X-Men stories (Dark Phoenix, Days of Future Past, The Wolverine) that inspired the films and co-created icons like Kitty Pryde, Mystique, Rogue, Emma Frost, Gambit and many more.
The other big news: UNCANNY X-MEN will return in November. No word on the creative team or cast.
UNCANNY X-MEN was the longest running and for decades the only X-book. (Uncanny) X-MEN ran from 1963-1970, 1975 (1991 Marvel introduced a second X-MEN title) 2011. The book relaunched with a new number one in 2011 then again in 2013 and 2015 – that volume ended in 2016.
Marvel previous said X-MEN GOLD and BLUE are coming to an end. X-MEN RED and ASTONISHING X-MEN will continue.
All of this will follow EXTERMINATION – a limited series that hints at the end of the line for the original young X-Men drawn into the present and currently starring in X-MEN BLUE.
RETURN OF WOLVERINE begins in September.
With the return of Jean Grey, Wolverine, Professor X and the out of time X-Men leaving – could the new UNCANNY signal the resurrection of Cyclops and return of the Westchester School?
Stay tuned.
By Editor