If you thought Uncanny X-Men and Cyclops’s Extinction Team were extinct…think again! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch Uncanny X-Men for the Marvel Now in February 2013. It was confirmed today on Marvel.com.
It appears Cyclops may not trying to make up for his actions in Avengers vs. X-Men. The new mutant population boom has the fallen leader inspired to save his race – by any means necessary. Magneto, Emma Frost and Magik join Scott on his missions to recruit young mutants and protect them from a world that fears and hates them.
“You will discover in the very first issue of ALL-NEW X-MEN exactly where Scott Summers’ head is at. Of all the X-Men that feel it is their job to further the legacy of Charles Xavier, no one feels it more strongly than Scott Summers.
Scott Summers himself is not only trying to save these kids but he is trying to train them and get them ready for what he feels is coming mutant revolution These new students represent his only hope for true redemption. And his only hope to make the world the way he really thinks it should be.”
The new Uncanny X-Men follows after All-New X-Men, both written by Bendis. The writer reveals which is the flagship and how the books connect to Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron.
“I feel the audience decides what is or is not a flagship title, but I will say that UNCANNY X-MEN will be the one-stop shop for these very important characters in the mutant [corner of the] Marvel Universe and the Marvel Universe proper. I’m very lucky that I get to write ALL NEW X-MEN and UNCANNY X-MEN at the same time. I can examine this fascinating part of the Marvel Universe from vastly different angles.
I can’t think of a time where the mutant part of the Marvel Universe has been more exciting. Every character is so complex and there are so many characters interacting. Literally anything could happen,
It is not unlike the job I had writing NEW AVENGERS and DARK AVENGERS at the same time, even though this is not DARK X-MEN.”
Bendis revealed that the new Uncanny X-Men came out of story planning for AvX.
I love this response from Bendis comparing the friends and family aspect in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes versus the Children of the Atom.
“Absolutely. If the Avengers are a family, then UNCANNY X-MEN is a very, very, very dysfunctional family. But these characters really do need each other. And some of them love each other. And some of them don’t.”
Even though I love Jean I’ve said before that Emma Frost is the best thing to happen to Scott Summers. Bendis confirms that Cyke and Emma are over.
“The romance is done. They are not together anymore romantically. It’s pretty hard to come back from what they went through in Avengers Vs. X-Men.Things were said, powers were stolen, and as we will discover in the very first issues of UNCANNY X-MEN, some things happen between them that cannot be taken back.
And because they are Scott and Emma, this breakup is going to take a while. And it’s not going to be pretty, but fun to write.”
Magneto has been the ultimate X-Men enemy, headmaster of Xavier’s and in recent years an ally loyal to Scott. I love Bendis’s teasing answer to the question: Is Magneto reformed?
“What you are going to see with Magneto is a very specific new chapter in his life. At the last Marvel [creative summit] we were talking about the fact that we often break our heroes but never do much to our villains. We would put the Fantastic Four through the ringer but Doctor Doom is always Doctor Doom. I gave that conversation a lot of thought.
What happens in the pages of UNCANNY X-MEN will establish a very bold, new chapter for Magneto.”
Bendis said he’s creating brand new mutant characters for that will be front and center with the main cast. I’m always excited for the debut of new mutants. I won’t name names but some work, some don’t.
The big question for me: Cyclops’s new headgear?
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
All-New X-Men #1 debuts next week! Uncanny X-Men #1 hits in February!
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