Marvel revealed the cover of the new UNCANNY X-MEN #1

Check out this cover by Leinul Yu and Edgar Delgado featuring a X-Man back in the fold and a transformed X-Man?
The next volume of the flagship X-book will be co-written by Matthew Rosenberg, Ed Brisson and Kelly Thompson with artists Mahmud Asrar, R.B. Silva and Yildiray CInar and Pere Perrez. The ten-part weekly arc is called DISASSEMBLED.
Starting with the center and moving right and up:
Bishop takes aim. Nightcrawler sports a beard and stache. Storm looks regal as ever. X-23 with claws popped. Jubilee free of her vampirism and back to sparkling. Beast takes upper center. Cannonball blasting after serving as part of the Avengers. Iceman with jagged shards. Recently resurrected Jean Grey. Psylocke – back to her original form but still sporting her psychic knife?
The lineup on this cover is just part of the epic. The earlier tease featured a massive cast of X-Men. The image sparked speculation Psylocke aka Betsy Braddock will transform back to her original form. Psylocke is a telepath (and telekinetic?) with two unique power signatures: the butterfly and the knife.
What’s the story if you new to the X-Men?
Betsy Braddock is a British noblewoman and sister of Brian Braddock aka Captain Britain. She is a mutant telepath created by Chris Claremont as part of the CAPTAIN BRITAIN series. Claremont then gave her the code-name Psylocke and she joined the X-Men.
The British noblewoman then became an Asian psychic ninja.
Betsy and other X-Men travelled through a portal to escape their enemies and were separated. Betsy washed up on a beach, is found by The Hand and mystically puts her essence into the body of a dead assassin named Kwannon and taking the name Lady Mandarin. Wolverine eventually fights, rescues and helps Psylocke become a X-Man again. Betsy then starting manifesting her powers into a psychic knife and later a katana. Could Psylocke be evolving again?
UNCANNY X-MEN #1 arrives November 14.
By Editor